Friday, April 10, 2009

Online classes with friends

I invited Kerry to join me in taking some of Suahaila's online classes. So we decided to start Wednesday. Erin also decided to join us. I think only one more person would fit in my studio for these events.

We tried a level one class on Wednesday. It was really great to have my gals with me. I find when I am alone I don't push myself nearly as much as when I am with others. It was also fun to comment on things I would never comment on in class. And sometimes we would just talk about something with no worry about being disrespectful to the teacher. And although I knew what I was suppose to do I really do need to drill more. I think I will work on the Suhaila dice. We were working on interior hip squares and Kerry was a little confused. We quickly realized that perhaps we should have done the pelvic locks lesson first. Erin, who has taken from Kaya & Sadie, who took from Suhaila (so third hand), did help Kerry out with some of the things she was confused about. I don't feel like an expert or know enough to clearly tell Kerry what I know. One thing we laughed about when taking the class was the fact that Suhaila would tell a member in the class to correct something...and we would say "how did she know I was doing that".

So Thurdsay I go to get out of bed and my abs are absolutely killing was those crunches...and my pecks where very sore...arms in 5th postion. Kerry and I have decided we will soon get the warm up in sync and be totally cool. Those straddle squats are killing me too!

Friday Kerry and I got together again to do the pelvic locks class. Again we found ourselves lying on the floor during the warm up..saying "really"? that hurts...
I hear things in the class that I didn't know....
During the warm up we where doing the cat and cow series and I had not understood this exercise before. (It could have always been that I was already exhausted at this point in the warm up...or I was so overwhelmed by information) When I really concentrated and could really feel my lower abs working I finally understood this exercise! It felt so amazing..and I wondered why the heck everyone doesn't teach undulations like this...some day...

We had a great time this week trying to walk around my studio doing all the things we were suppose to..I can only imagine how cool this is going to get!

Next time I am definitely going to start when we arrange. The classes are 1 1/2 hours and that is a huge chunk of time. There are a lot of classes and I am going to try to get at least 4 online classes in a week.

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