Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Feeling It

Today I bought some weights that wrap around my wrist and has a thumb hole to help hold it in place. I am planning on using these with my training. So when I am moving around the room with my arms in 5th position my arms and shoulders will get more of a workout. When I take them off I am hoping that my arms will feel light as feathers.

I have been working on learning the level 2 choreography. I was hoping to test for Level 2 in July, but I am not sure that I will have this down with zills by then. It seems like a world away, but I know it will sneak up on me.

My friend and I are working on level 1 online classes on Friday mornings. We have decided to move up our sessions to 7 am so we can have more time during the day. Plus little O will be done with school on Friday so I won't be running around in the morning getting her ready.

My body is really feeling the Suhaila I am giving it. Currently I am doing 2 level 2 a week, one level 1 and a dance movement class. Plus working on the choreography. I finally got Serpent of the Nile. That book is hard to get a hold of. I will need to read that and another book, plus watch some videos. A have seen 3 of them but I know I need to bone up on them. I wonder how much is on the test.

Between this training and working on pulling weeds in the new lawn and working on the garden my body is sore. I wish I had a hot tub.

I will get my dance shoe fixed this week and get more of the choreography in my little head.